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تحميل برنامج تشغيل برامج الاندرويد على الكمبيوتر يعمل البرنامج على تشغيل جميع تطبيقات الاندرويد على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك حتى تتأكد من عملها على جهاز الاندرويد خاصتك قبل شراءها فالبرنامج يحل لك مشكلة عدم التأكد من توافق البرامج والتطبيقات مع جهاز الاندرويد الخاص بك ويتم تنصيب برنامج YouWave for Android بطريقة عاديه كأى برنامج اخر من برامج الكمبيوتر بسهوله لكن البرنامج مفيد جدا بالنسبه لكل مستخدمى الاندرويد فيظهر بواجهة اندرويد عاديه جدا وكأنك تفتح احد التطبيقات على جهاز الاندرويد وهو حل سريع لتشغيل برنامج واتس اب على الكمبيوتر فبرنامج YouWave for Android يسمح لك بأختبار عمل العديد من التطبيقات الخاصه بالاندرويد على الكمبيوتر بسهوله تامه يعتبر من اقوى برامج اندرويد حول العالم وهو يقوم بتقسيم الواجهة الخاصه به الى قسمين احدها لعرض محاكة الاندرويد والثانيه لعرض واستكشاف دليل التطبيق فيعمل على الكمبيوتر ضمن برامج كمبيوتر عاديه جدا ويمكنك من استيراد احد التطبيقات التى تم تنزيلها مسبقا بصيغة apk واستكشافها بسهوله ومعرفة مدى توافقها مع نظام اندرويد الخاص بك كما يمكنك البرنامج من الوصول الى مخازن التطبيقات عبر الانترنت والمواقع المختلفه لتنزيل الملفات و برامج الاندرويد بصيغة apk التى تحتاج اليها واختبارها وكأنك على جهاز الاندرويد تماماً.  برنامج YouWave for Android غير مجانى ولكن هذه النسخة تجريبية لمدة 10 ايام وسعره 15 دولار تقريباً ويمكنك شرائه من موقعه الرسمى بسهوله جدا ومن خلال موقعنا يمكنك تحميل برامج كمبيوتر مجانية رائعة اخرى فقط تصفح الموقع لتستمتع بتحميل اقوى حصريات من برامج كاملة ورائعة دون بحث او عناء

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تحميل برنامج افاست طارد الفيروسات 2014 مجانا Avast Free Antivirus

بالنسبة الى تعرف افاست على الفيروسات الجديدة التي تنتشر بشكل يومي على الانترنت فهو يقوم بتحديث نفسه يوميا من خلال الإتصال بالأنترنت و شركة افاست توفر عملية التحديث من خلال تقنية الحوسبة السحابية و هو تحديث سريع و بشكل آلي يتم على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك و هذا يضمن حماية قوية ضد جميع انواع الفيروسات، افاست فري انتي فايروس يقوم بحمايتك اثناء تصفحك للأنترنت بحيث يكشف الصفحات الملغمة بالفيروسات و يعمل على تثبيطها و عدم السماح لها بالعمل، ايضا أفاست انتي فايروس يقوم بفحص البريد الألكتروني و تطهيره من اي فيروسات ملغمة بداخل البريد الإلكتروني.

افاست انتي فايروس يوفر لك جدار ناري قوي يقوم بحماية خصوصيتك و التصدي لجميع محاولات الهكرز لإختراق جهازك، افاست انتي فايروس مجاني مئة بالمئة و هو احد أقوى الحلول لمكافحة الفيروسات و القضاء عليها نهائيــا ، مع الافاست ستجد نفسك مرتاح من خطر الفيروسات الخطيرة للأبد. 

إصدار البرنامج:     v9.0.2018
حجم البرنامج:       84.76MB
ترخيص البرنامج:   Freeware "مجاني"
نظام التشغيل:        ويندوز إكسبي/ فيستا / 7 /8
التحميل:           أضغط هنــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــا
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إصدار البرنامج:     v3.9.3 Build 1360
حجم البرنامج:       7.39MB
ترخيص البرنامج:   Freeware "مجاني"
نظام التشغيل:        ويندوز إكسبي/ فيستا / 7 / 8
التحميل :        إضغط هنـــــــــــــــــــا

برنامج ادوبي فلاش بلاير متوفر مجانا للتحميل لتصفح ملفات الفلاش على مختلف أنواع مواقع الويب و هو من تطوير شركة أدوبي التي لها الكثير من التطبيقات في مجال الحاسب الآلي، يمكنك الآن تحميل نسختك المجانية من برنامج ادوبي فلاش بلاير المحدثة بإستمرار لتشغيل مقاطع الفيديو FLV على اليوتيوب و الفيس بوك و ايضا تشغيل العاب الفلاش SWF أون لاين المتاحة على مواقع العاب الفلاش.

إصدار البرنامج:     v13.0.0.182
حجم البرنامج:       17.09MB
ترخيص البرنامج:   Freeware "مجاني"
آخر تحديث:           09/04/2014
نظام التشغيل:        ويندوز إكسبي/ فيستا / 7 /8
التحميل:        اضغط هنا


Kia’s Stylish Hybrid Mid-size Sedan Returns with Improved Aerodynamic Design and Technological Enhancements

2014 Optima Hybrid

  • Efficiency-focused design updated with restyled front and rear fascias
  • Hybrid version of Kia’s best-selling Optima now offers more uplevel features and options to enhance comfort and value

CHICAGO, Feb. 6, 2014 – Kia Motors America (KMA) today unveiled the 2014 Optima Hybrid mid-size sedan as one of three eco-friendly Kia vehicles introduced at the Chicago Auto Show. The 2014 Optima Hybrid builds upon the advancements of its award-winning gas-powered sibling, which went on sale in late-fall of last year.  Debuting with its own exclusive enhancements, including front and rear fascia updates designed to increase aerodynamic efficiency, new wheel designs, and unique grille and lighting elements, the 2014 Optima Hybrid improves upon its predecessor, which was named one of the “Top 11 Most Fuel-Efficient Sedans for 2013” by 
“The Optima Hybrid is an important and integral component of Kia’s advanced propulsion story,” said Orth Hedrick, vice president of product planning, KMA.  “It’s unique in its segment because it not only gives owners savings at the gas pump and a smaller carbon footprint, but it also delivers world-class design, robust performance and an upscale personality, making it a truly attractive and well-rounded hybrid offer.”
Available in LX and EX trims, the 2014 Optima Hybrid features carryover refinements for smoothness and drivability, including a robust 47 HP electric traction motor, a strong Hybrid Starter Generator (HSG) and a powerful 47 kW lithium polymer battery.  The combined gas-electric 199 horsepower rating and combined 235 lb.-ft. of torque remain, resulting in a responsive and enjoyable driving experience.  The LX model achieves an EPA estimated 36 mpg city, 40 mpg highway and 38 mpg combined1, while the EX model delivers an EPA estimated 35/39/371
Design Enhancements for Better Fuel EfficiencyThe dynamic and sporty design upgrades on the gasoline-powered 2014 Optima are retooled for the Hybrid to increase fuel efficiency.  Contributing to improved aerodynamics are a series of additional vents in the Optima Hybrid’s unique front bumper, increasing airflow and reducing drag.  Newly designed and more aerodynamic 16- and 17-inch alloy wheels (LX and EX, respectively) reduce weight and drag while superbly integrating with the Optima’s eye-catching new design elements.
In addition to those elements designed with fuel efficiency in mind, the 2014 Optima Hybrid also boasts a unique new front grille design, Hybrid-exclusive front LED lighting, new Hybrid fender badges and an attractive and upscale optional white leather package.  Technological improvements to the gasoline-powered 2014 Optima carryover within the cabin of the Optima Hybrid, as drivers are greeted with more upscale and high-tech amenities.  Activating the Optima’s push button ignition brings two displays to life: a 4.3-inch TFT LCD instrument cluster and optional high-resolution 8-inch navigation and telematics screen, featuring UVO eServices, an 8-speaker Infinity®2 sound system, HD Radio™®3, SiriusXM™ Satellite Radio4 and SiriusXM Traffic™4.
Advanced Safety Features5The 2014 Optima Hybrid is equipped with an impressive array of standard safety equipment. All trims come standard with driver and passenger advanced front airbags, front seat-mounted side airbags, full-length side curtain airbags, four-wheel Antilock Brake System (ABS), Vehicle Stability Management (VSM) and Electronic Stability Control (ESC).  Traction Control System (TCS) and Hill Start Assist Control (HAC) also come standard on all models.
Kia Motors America
Kia Motors America (KMA) is the marketing and distribution arm of Kia Motors Corporation based in Seoul, South Korea.  KMA proudly serves as the "Official Automotive Partner" of the NBA and LPGA and surpassed the 500,000 annual sales mark for the second consecutive year in 2013 following the launch  of seven all-new or significantly redesigned vehicles.   KMA offers a complete line of vehicles, including the flagship K900 rear-drive sedan, Cadenza premium sedan, Sorento CUV, Soul urban passenger vehicle, Sportage compact CUV, Optima midsize sedan, Optima Hybrid, the Forte compact sedan, Forte5 and Forte Koup, Rio and Rio 5-door sub-compacts and the Sedona minivan, through a network of more than 765 dealers across the United States.   Kia’s U.S. manufacturing plant in West Point, Georgia, builds the Optima* and Sorento* and is responsible for the creation of more than 14,000 plant and supplier jobs.
Information about Kia Motors America and its full vehicle line-up is available at its website – For media information, including photography, visit  To receive custom email notifications for press releases the moment they are published, subscribe at

* The Sorento and Optima GDI (EX Trims and certain LX Trims only) and GDI Turbo are built in the United States from U.S. and globally sourced parts.
Based on EPA estimates. Actual mileage will vary with options, driving conditions, driving habits and your vehicle’s condition.
Infinity is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.
3 HD Radio™ and the HD, HD Radio, and "Arc" logos are proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital Corporation.
4 Sirius services require subscriptions, sold separately after 3-month trial included with vehicle purchase/lease.  Subscriptions governed by SiriusXM Customer Agreement at© 2011 SiriusXM Radio Inc. Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc.
5 No system, no matter how advanced, can compensate for all driver error and/or driving conditions. Always drive responsibly.
6 2015 K900 V8 expected Spring 2014. Initially only available in select markets with limited availability.

Modern and Elegant, the K900 Signals a New Era for Kia and Advances the Brand to New Levels of Sophistication 

2015 K900

  • Highly intuitive and advanced technology combine with superb craftsmanship and materials to boldly announce Kia’s entry into the rear-drive premium-luxury sedan segment
  • All-new V8 flagship debuts with 420 horsepower1; V6 model produces 311 horsepower
  • Flagship Sedan Accompanied by Complimentary Scheduled Maintenance
IRVINE, Calif., February 11, 2014 – The all-new 2015 K900 is poised to challenge the rear-drive luxury sedan segment with an extensive list of standard equipment, world-class accommodations, premium driving dynamics and stunning design that will redefine consumer perception and expectations of the Kia brand.
“This year marks Kia Motors’ 20th anniversary in the U.S. market, and the all-new K900 is a symbol of how far the brand has come and the next bold example of the challenger spirit that has benefitted Kia over two decades of growth and maturation,” said Michael Sprague, executive vice president of sales and marketing, KMA.  “Kia’s rise over the last five years has been fueled by a willingness to challenge the status quo with vehicles such as the Optima, Sorento and Cadenza, which have brought new and more affluent customers to our showrooms and dramatically raised the profile of the brand while maintaining our value proposition.  The K900 is the next logical progression for Kia. It demonstrates what Kia is capable of and will help redefine what the Kia brand stands for.”
Offered with a V6 or a V8 engine, the K900’s list of standard equipment will feature first-class accommodations and advanced technology.  The range-topping V8 equipped with the VIP Package will add additional luxury amenities including reclining outboard rear seats.  The K900 Premium V6 will launch at a later date with an available Luxury Package and Technology Package.  The all-new K900 V8 Luxury and V8 VIP are expected to go on sale during the first quarter of 2014 with a V8 Luxury model starting at $59,5002 excluding $900 in destination charges.  Pricing for the V6 model will be announced closer to launch.
The K900 comes with a three-year, 37,500-mile complimentary scheduled maintenance program at participating Kia dealerships.  Covering the first five service visits, the complimentary scheduled maintenance program is available to customers who either purchase or lease a new 2015 K900 and complete the maintenance work for their vehicle at participating Kia retailers. As an added benefit, K900 customers may enjoy the use of a Cadenza or K900 loan vehicle during their service visit3.  The no-cost scheduled maintenance program, which excludes wear and tear items such as tires and brakes, complements Kia’s industry leading 10-year/100,000 mile new-car warranty and Roadside Assistance program4.
Elegant Exterior Design
The first glance of the K900 is designed to leave an indelible impression.  The long 119.9-inch wheelbase and wide 63.8-inch front and 64.1-inch rear track of the V8 translate to considerable road presence.  In profile, the swept rake of the greenhouse, subdued cut lines along the doors and high rear deck lid lend a muscular tension to the sheet metal.  The K900 V8’s standard 19-inch multi-spoke chrome wheels are shod with 245/45R-19 tires up front and 275/40R-19 tires at the rear. 
Kia’s signature grille resides nearly vertically in the smoothly contoured front fascia.  A chrome halo surrounds the dark chrome inner elements, which hints at the power and potential behind it.  Airflow-smoothing underbody panels mounted beneath the nose, engine bay and cabin help reduce drag and improve efficiency.
Standard on the V8 are adaptive LED headlights. With 16 LED bulbs providing powerful, natural light for enhanced luminosity, the beams, which adjust to follow the bends in the road, shimmer beneath crystal clear lenses that pull back deeply into the front fenders. Soft-glow LEDs frame the multi-faceted headlights.  Mounted low and at the far corners of the nose are sleek LED daytime running lamps and LED fog lights.  Similar use of LED technology can be found at the rear of the K900.  The trapezoid taillights offer defused LEDs for the brakes and bright LEDs for the turn signals.  A tasteful chrome bezel cuts high across the K900’s standard powered rear deck lid, adding elegance and lending visual width.  The standard power and heated rearview mirrors integrate auto dimming, LED turn signal indicators and Blind Spot Detection System (BSD)5 in a smooth, aerodynamic form that helps reduce wind noise.  The rear bumper is accented with fully integrated dual chrome-tipped exhaust ports that mimic the shape of the taillights.
Opulence Within
Open the door to the all-new K900 and the same sense of elegant sophistication can be found within the luxuriously appointed cabin.  The three-spoke leather-wrapped steering wheel is substantial and features controls for audio, cruise control, entertainment, and vehicle information.  A heated wheel is available on the V6 and standard on the V8.  Standard high-grade leather is found throughout the cabin on the V6, which can also be optioned with soft Nappa leather in black or white with contrasting piping.  The V8 K900 arrives with standard Nappa leather.  Soft-hue LED interior illumination is standard across the K900 line.  Genuine walnut (with black Nappa leather) or poplar (with white Nappa leather) wood trim sweeps across the dash and door panels, beautifully complementing the richness of the interior and is available on the V6 and standard on the V8.  A 12-way adjustable driver’s seat, including power lumbar support, is standard on both the V6 Premium and V8 Luxury models, and a 16-way power adjusted driver’s seat features power headrests and cushion extender for added thigh support as part of the V6 Technology Package and the V8 VIP Package.  The front seats feature standard multi-stage heating and ventilation for individualized comfort in all climates.
The K900’s executive-class accommodations continue at the rear of the cabin. Standard features include multi-stage heating for the outboard seats.  Accessing a panel within the center armrest, rear-seat passengers also have the ability to control the vehicle’s ventilation system and may even fold the back cushion of the front passenger seat forward with the touch of a button.  K900 passengers may also operate the standard power rear window sunshade, and retractable rear side window sunshades are standard across all models.  A full-length panoramic roof with power retractable sunshade is standard on all V8 models.  Opting for the V8 VIP Package takes rear seat comfort to another level.  Both seats offer multi-stage heating and cooling, have the ability to independently recline and incorporate power lumbar support and lateral headrest adjustability.
Sophisticated, Intuitive Technology and Safety
Well known for providing intuitively placed controls and easily accessible technology, Kia continues this tried-and-true practice in the 2015 K900.  On the V8 VIP, front and center for the driver is the largest TFT instrument panel ever offered in a Kia vehicle.  At 12.3 inches, the full-color LCD screen is at once easy to read and easily configurable, featuring different themes depending on the drive mode selected. Also included with the V6 Technology Package and V8 VIP package is Kia’s first Head-Up Display (HUD).  The innovative full-color, height-adjustable display “floats” just over the leading edge of the windshield providing the driver important information such as vehicle speed, turn-by-turn navigation, and alerts including the Blind Spot Detection System (BSD)5 and Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS)5.
First-class in-car entertainment comes standard in the form of a 900-watt Lexicon high-fidelity audio system, the most powerful and advanced system ever offered by Kia.  An audiophile’s dream come true, the Lexicon system features a trunk-mounted 12-channel digital amplifier, 17 speakers, including a center channel and an inverted subwoofer located in the rear parcel shelf.  The inverted design helps reduce encroachment into the trunk.  The speaker arrangement is custom designed for the interior of the K900 to optimize sound quality for every seat in the house.  Standard infotainment features include Bluetooth®6 hands free accessibility, HD RadioTM7, three-month complimentary SiriusXM satellite programming8 along with AUX and USB ports conveniently accessed through a soft-close genuine wood-covered panel in the center console.
The audio system, along with standard navigation and Kia’s exclusive UVO eServices9 telematics software, are all viewed through a 9.2-inch full-color screen that is accessed through a new standard Driver Information System (DIS) found in the center console.  Using a simple rotary knob surrounded by intuitively placed direct-access buttons, the DIS falls naturally to the driver’s right hand, allowing immediate access to the K900’s wide range of advanced systems, including entertainment and voice-command navigation functions.  All K900s come standard with a power-operated trunk lid. A slim credit-card-style smart-key entry system that welcomes the vehicle owner by automatically extending the outside rearview mirrors and activating perimeter lighting is standard on all but the V6 Premium.
Front and rear park-assist sensors and cameras are standard across the line for enhanced confidence and convenience5.  Auditory cues notify the driver as the vehicle approaches an object with the tones emanating from the speaker located closest to the object.  The parking display also indicates distance to the object via green, yellow and red lines, providing a visual aid to the driver.  The V8 comes standard with Kia’s first Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) system5, which provides an audible warning to the driver if oncoming cross traffic is detected from the rear while the K900 is in Reverse.  Working in conjunction with RCTA is Blind Spot Detection (BSD), which is standard on the V8 and available in the Technology Package on the V6.  Opting for the VIP Package nets the new Surround View Monitor system5, which utilizes four discreetly placed wide-angle mini-cameras at the front and rear and within the outside rear view mirrors.  The cameras provide a crystal-clear view of anything within several feet of the K900, providing potential safety benefits as well as easier maneuvering in tight spaces.
A Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) is standard on the V6 Technology Package and both V8 models.  The camera-based LDWS monitors the K900’s position and provides an audible warning to the driver when the vehicle begins to drift too close to the lane markers.  First introduced on the Cadenza, the K900 is available with radar-based Advanced Smart Cruise Control (ASCC)5. Included within the V6 Technology Package, and VIP Package on the V8, ASCC adjusts vehicle speed to help maintain a set distance to the vehicle in front and even has the ability to bring the K900 to a full stop.  For added convenience, the system will also automatically accelerate the vehicle once traffic allows.
The K900 introduces Kia’s first use of Advanced Vehicle Safety Management (AVSM)10. Integrating the control of various vehicle monitoring systems, including the Electronic Stability Control (ESC), seatbelt mechanisms and multiple warning systems, the AVSM can alert the driver to danger, pre-pressurize the braking system and activate the Pre-Safe Belt (PSB) system11, depending on the anticipated level of a collision risk.  If a potential collision is detected, AVSM warns the driver in three stages: an audible alarm, a visual warning on both the HUD and TFT LCD cluster and a cinching of the front seatbelts.
Flagship Performance
A flagship should be equipped with the proper running gear, and the all-new 2015 K900 lacks for nothing.  The K900 introduces the first V8 engine offered in a Kia sedan.  The Tau DOHC all-aluminum 32-valve five-liter engine produces 420 horsepower.  The engine is designed for efficiency with Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) and dual CVVT variable valve timing on both the intake and exhaust.  A special tuned air intake improves airflow while a roller-type timing chain and Teflon® coated crank oil seal reduce frictional losses.  The fast-heating catalytic converter helps reduce emissions and is of a lightweight design.  The V8 is mated to a new smooth-shifting eight-speed automatic transmission.  Shift mapping is variable depending on the driver-selectable settings of Eco, Normal and Sport, and each mode also adjusts the electric steering’s sensitivity.
The 3.8-liter Lamba V6 produces 311 horsepower, making it the most powerful V6 in the Kia lineup.  A three-step Variable Intake System (VIS) is designed to provide optimum low- and mid-range torque.  Similar to the V8, the Lamba V6 features GDI and CVVT technology to help improve efficiency.  A variable-load oil pump maintains optimum pressure at both low and high speeds.  Like its more powerful sibling, the V6 also is mated to the same eight-speed transmission with gear ratios tailored to best match the engine application.
An advanced five-link fully independent front and rear suspension soaks up road imperfections while also managing to communicate what’s happening at each corner.  Mounted on a sub-frame to isolate road shocks, the front suspension has coaxial coil-spring shock absorbers and a new friction bearing in the steering column to enhance straight-line stability and steering precision.  At the rear, the suspension sub-frame also houses the differential, and the coil springs and shock absorbers are separate units, allowing for negative camber for improved cornering ability.
The rear-drive layout of the K900 encourages spirited driving, and the solid chassis, consisting of 75 percent high and ultra-high tensile strength steel, utilizes advanced manufacturing methods that result in a body shell with exceptional strength and torsional rigidity.
The K900 V8 includes as standard equipment staggered P245/45P-19 front and P275/40R-19 rear tires on 19-inch chrome alloy wheels while the V6 rides on 18-inch alloy wheels shod with P245/50R-18 tires.  NVH is kept to a minimum with standard laminated front and side window glass and generous use of sound reducing materials.
About Kia Motors AmericaKia Motors America (KMA) is the marketing and distribution arm of Kia Motors Corporation based in Seoul, South Korea.  KMA proudly serves as the "Official Automotive Partner" of the NBA and LPGA and surpassed the 500,000 annual sales mark for the second consecutive year in 2013 following the launch of seven all-new or significantly redesigned vehicles.   KMA offers a complete line of vehicles, including the flagship K900 rear-drive sedan, Cadenza premium sedan, Sorento CUV, Soul urban passenger vehicle, Sportage compact CUV, Optima midsize sedan, Optima Hybrid, the Forte compact sedan, Forte5 and Forte Koup, Rio and Rio 5-door sub-compacts and the Sedona minivan, through a network of more than 765 dealers across the United States. Kia’s U.S. manufacturing plant in West Point, Georgia, builds the Optima* and Sorento* and is responsible for the creation of more than 14,000 plant and supplier jobs.
Information about Kia Motors America and its full vehicle line-up is available at its website – For media information, including photography, visit  To receive custom email notifications for press releases the moment they are published, subscribe at

1 With use of premium gasoline
2 Starting prices are manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP), which excludes destination and handling fees, title, taxes, license fees, options and retailer charges. Actual prices set by retailer and may vary.
3 Cadenza or K900 service loan vehicle is based on availability at time of service visit to a participating Kia dealership.
4 The Kia 10 year/100,000- mile warranty program includes various warranties and roadside assistance. Warranties include powertrain and the New Vehicle Limited Warranty (Basic). All warranties and roadside assistance are limited. See retailer for details or go to
5 The Surround View Monitor, Advanced Smart Cruise Control, Blind Spot Detection,  Lane-Departure Warning and Rear Cross Traffic Alert  Systems are not  substitutes for proper and safe driving, parking, and/or backing-up  procedures. Always drive safely and use caution. These systems may not detect every object behind or alongside the the vehicle or in the vehicle’s blindspot or direction of travel. Always drive safely and use caution. These systems may not detect every object  behind the vehicle or in the vehicle’s blindspot or direction of travel.
6 The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Kia is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. A compatible Bluetooth® enabled cell phone is required to use Bluetooth® wireless technology.
7 HD Radio™ and the HD, HD Radio, and "Arc" logos are proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital Corporation.
8 Sirius services require subscriptions, sold separately after 3-month trial included with vehicle purchase/lease.  Subscriptions governed by SiriusXM Customer Agreement at© 2011 SiriusXM Radio Inc. Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc.
9 No subscription fee for UVO eServices. No charge for the UVO eServices app. App uses your smartphone cellular data service. Normal cellular service rates will apply.  Always drive safely and use caution.
10 No system, no matter how advanced, can compensate for all driver error and/or driving conditions. Always drive responsibly.
11 PSB available only on K900 V8.